One of my all time favorite quotes is, "tell a man that there are 400 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint and he will have to touch it to be sure" (Murphy's Law Quote). I think this quote is a lot like our relationship and journey with God. We often struggle in our journey because we can't touch God to be sure. Many of us struggle to believe what the bible tells us, yet can easily believe almost everything we read on the Internet and in magazines.
Where are we putting our faith and trust? Even Christians struggle to put their faith and trust in God. Every time we worry or have anxiety over something, we are essentially displaying a lack of total faith.
In my own personal journey with God there have been times that I've had as many questions, as I've had answers. I have been seeking so strongly over the last two years and during this time I've listened to: two sermons a week at the church I attend, I've listened to TV preachers, I've listed to Christian sermon's on Cd's, I've watched Christian DVDs, read Christian books, read Christian self help books, read Christian magazines, read about God on the Internet, I've had debates about God with believers and unbelievers, I've done bible studies, I've talked with people about God as often as I can, and most importantly I have read almost the entire bible.
I now find myself at a place where I have all these different Christian perspectives on God. So now I'm asking myself what is from God and what is from man? I'm addressing this issue in an attempt to be candid about what many believers will experience at some point in their journey with God. I want my own fresh encounter with God. So every day I pray for God to speak to me. Not in an audible voice (although that would be really cool), but still in a manner that there is no mistaking that it is from God. During the next season of my life, I'm going to stop asking man's opinion, and start asking only God's.
Over the last few weeks I have felt God putting a simple scripture on my heart and it is Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God" (KJV). So for now, I'm being still and trusting in God. And I'm remembering that if I can believe that there are 400 billion stars in the universe, how much more should I believe in the promises and truths of God.....
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Blogging about God
I started a blog in 2009 about life as a parent of four young children. I have struggled with what to write about. I guess you could call it "writer's block". In 2009 I also started to seek God like I had never done before. The start of this new blog, "Seeking and Finding God" is really just my journey. I feel like it's time to share, express, and blog about God. I can't think of anything better to blog about. Since beginning this journey with God I have experienced so many good things, but I've also experienced ups and downs, highs and lows, doubt, confusion, love, grace, certanity, and most importantly salvation. Not only salvation for eternity in heaven with Christ, but salvation from myself. Salvation from myself meaning that I'm constantly learning to take my eyes off myself, and put my eyes on something bigger than me, and my circumstances. I have learned to simply put my eyes on God. To the one thing that is always constant, the one thing that is always certain.
Seeking, following, and finding God is not always easy, but it is worth it. When I first started this journey with God I started going to church more than I ever had before, and with a zeal I had never experienced before. When you are unchurced for most of your life, and you finally start going to church as an adult it almost feels like learning a foreign language. It stirs up a mixture of emotions.
This blog is being created to simply share my journey. Every single person's journey with God is different. I just want to share my candid journey with God in an attempt to share God in a way that other people can relate to. I'm not a minister, or a preacher; I'm just a child of God, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and a blogger. I want to share an experience with others that shows all the sides and complexeties of seeking and finding God. Not a polished sermon, but simply a woman seeking God and the experience's I have had, and will continue to have along the way. A candid look into the life of an imperfect person, in an imperfect world, and finding my way to God. This is my authentic journey with God....
Seeking, following, and finding God is not always easy, but it is worth it. When I first started this journey with God I started going to church more than I ever had before, and with a zeal I had never experienced before. When you are unchurced for most of your life, and you finally start going to church as an adult it almost feels like learning a foreign language. It stirs up a mixture of emotions.
This blog is being created to simply share my journey. Every single person's journey with God is different. I just want to share my candid journey with God in an attempt to share God in a way that other people can relate to. I'm not a minister, or a preacher; I'm just a child of God, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and a blogger. I want to share an experience with others that shows all the sides and complexeties of seeking and finding God. Not a polished sermon, but simply a woman seeking God and the experience's I have had, and will continue to have along the way. A candid look into the life of an imperfect person, in an imperfect world, and finding my way to God. This is my authentic journey with God....
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